2nd Birthday Celebration




I can’t believe my baby girl is TWO! When I started planning her small family celebration there was no question what the theme would be— DOGS. Parker is the biggest dog lover I know and always wants to pet all the dogs all the time! Sweetie Girls Treatery outdid herself again with the most adorable doggie cake, cupcakes and dog bone sugar cookies! Parker kept jumping up and down and yelling “dog, dog dog!” in her sweet little voice every time she got a peak at the dessert table. She had the best day ever surrounded by family and opened no fewer than 5 new dog toys and lots of bubbles and chalk.

We took her two year photos at Inniswood Metro Gardens and had such a lovely evening full of sunshine, flowers, and frog catching. There is no questions that quarantine has been challenging for us because we are certainly a family of extroverts who like to get out with friends and explore Columbus throughout the week. However, I must admit that I am very thankful that we’ve had this quality time together as a family to stay home and make memories. Having young children truly puts priorities into perspective and is definitely a little heartbreaking because they grow up too fast. Birthdays are always a little bittersweet for me and I’m thankful we were able to have this time together to celebrate our little girl!

Here are a few things that I want to remember about Parker as a new 2-year-old: She is still the ultimate boss baby. She really thinks she is 5 and can do anything and everything her big sisters do. She is such a Daddy’s girl during the day, but first thing in the morning and at nighttime she only wants her Mama. She has a hilarious sense of humor and is such a stinker. When she gets what she wants she has a tendency to turn around and say “Na-na-na-na!” to whomever she just wronged. She has the funniest little crooked smile. She will do anything to make people laugh. She snuggles up to our dog Sheldon at any chance she gets. “No” is her favorite word. She runs into my room every morning with a huge smile on her face and snuggles up for nunies. She loves running through the hose and getting splashed in the face. She is a sweetheart and unbelievably smart.

Tessa Berg